
We create youth spaces together with UNICEF

Statistics of youth spaces

Youth spaces are open
Number of events held
All beneficiaries involved

Our public organization together with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Government of Japan created 4 youth centers in the south of Ukraine! During the implementation of the project, we plan to reach 7,500 people.

In cooperation with partners and local authorities, we opened centers in Mykolaiv Oblast in Bashtanka ("Creative Hut"), Voznesensk ("Youth Point") and Mykolaiv ("The Wave"), and in Odesa Oblast - in Chornomorsk ("VibeHub").
In cooperation with the local authorities and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and with the financial support of the Japanese government, we renovated the premises of the centers, equipped them with furniture and equipment. Now we have completely taken over the organization of work processes in the centers and the support of their functioning.

The main goal of our centers is to create a favorable and safe environment for young people, where they can realize their ideas. We are sure that this will help increase the mobility of young people, their involvement in decision-making in communities and participation in the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Our work is aimed at providing young people with opportunities for self-realization, intellectual and moral development. This is what strengthens capacity and opens new perspectives for young people. Therefore, according to requests, we organize various educational, psychological and recreational activities in the centers. These activities are aimed at career guidance and the development of 21st century skills: creativity, solving project problems, teamwork, communication skills, leadership and critical thinking.

We create appropriate conditions in our centers that contribute to the development of public activism and volunteerism, and the involvement of new projects. Local youth public organizations, youth consultative and advisory bodies, and informal youth associations can receive support here.
Our centers work every day and are available to everyone! By our example, we promote inclusiveness in communities, the inadmissibility of any manifestations of discrimination or violence. Social cohesion is a worthy rejection of prejudice and outdated norms!

Our public organization is always at the right time and in the right place! Next - more!