
The team of the NGO "Needed here" is glad to meet you!

Most of our team is located in Ukraine, but we have support from different parts of the world


Our superpower

Each team member is a professional in his field and has experience in the public sector. We are all different, but we are united by one goal - to promote the comprehensive development of conscious and responsible youth.

We have experience in implementing the full cycle of the project, from the idea to the submission of the final report. Our knowledge and skills were formed through our own trials and errors and we want to share them with you.

Members of the organization have experience in cooperation with projects supported by such international partners as NED, UNICEF, GIZ and USAID.

Our team consists exclusively of young people, so we can confidently say that we are on the same wavelength as those for whom we create our projects.

We make decisions based on data

At the stage of building hypotheses, we use our own assumptions, which, after formulating, are necessarily checked on the basis of the obtained data. We conduct quantitative and qualitative sociological research to gain a deeper understanding of the issues under investigation.

We use proven project development methodologies

We need to respond flexibly to new challenges and adapt to a rapidly changing world. Therefore, in the development of our projects, we use the Agile approach, which helps to respond favorably to changes.

Our projects are created by people for people. That is why we also actively use the Human-centered design approach.

Our team


Roman Pomaz

Head of the NGO organization "Needed here". Has more than 10 years of experience in career counseling of students, event management. He was a mentor in the Upshift Ukraine program for two years.
The main direction of work at the moment is projects on the development of potential in host communities and projects aimed at career guidance and comprehensive development of young people.


Olena Galitsina

Project manager. Specialist in working with youth in communities - 15 years of work experience. Work experience in the public sector — 9 years (DPs, families with children, youth). Trainer for mentors of the UPSHIFT program.


Tetiana Yarmak

Manager of youth projects.
Assistant and mentor of the innovative youth program UPSHIFT, which is implemented by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
More than 7 years of experience in the public sector.
He has a professional psychological education and extensive experience working with children and adolescents (group training (lectures and specialized training), individual consultations, mentoring, resolution of conflict situations, psychological assistance.
Lecturer on sexual enlightenment and sex education.


Oksana Petrenko

Member of the public organization "Needed here". Lecturer at Petro Mohyla National University, head of the sports club. He has experience in management positions in the direction of youth policy of Mykolaiv Oblast, implementation of projects and holding of project competitions. She created and managed the humanitarian headquarters.


Maxim Osyka

After the start of a large-scale war, Maxim was forced to leave the city of Kharkiv and find refuge in Svitlovodsk. In the new city, he joined the volunteer movement. He actively helped with the receipt and delivery of humanitarian aid for the local humanitarian headquarters, which helps hundreds of displaced people every day. During the war, he managed to complete training in volunteering. Currently, he is the coordinator of the "Volunteer+" project.


Olga Voytiuk

Mentor of the innovative youth program UPSHIFT, which is implemented by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). More than 6 years of experience in the public sector. Has professional pedagogical education, experience in implementing projects with children and teenagers.


Iryna Karpachova

Project monitoring and evaluation specialist at the NGO "Needed here". She has more than 6 years of experience in office management, developed documentation of various complexity (from application forms to orders, manuals, substantive work procedures and regulations), worked in a state archival institution on the compilation and formation of archival preservation of documentation.


Kateryna Devyatko

Communication manager of the NGO "Needed here" and in the UPSHIFT program in the Odesa and Mykolaiv regions. Has more than 4 years of experience in cultural journalism, content management and video editing.