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We implement the UPSHIFT program

In Ukraine, UPSHIFT has been implemented for 5 years, but in Odesa and Mykolaiv regions it is being held for the first time — we launched it in October 2023. The implementation of the program is supported by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Government of Japan.

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We are creating community centers for inclusive education and development

Our organization is an implementing partner of the Italian AVSI foundation in the project to create public centers for inclusive education and development of children. As part of the project, we will create 3 centers within the year in Kharkiv (Bliznyuki village), Zaporizhia (Zaporizhia city), and Donetsk (Dobropillia) regions.

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Youth development

We strive to include young people in public life, to teach them to find answers to modern social challenges, to consciously build their own future. In our solutions for young people, we will build on the development of 21st century skills: innovation, critical thinking, active learning, leadership, technology use and creation, flexibility, problem solving and idea generation.

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Digitization of the public sector

We train public and charitable organizations to use digital tools. Thanks to the use of CRM-systems and cloud storage, managers of GO/BF will not lose reports or important data. Digital tools allow you to reduce organizational costs and do more work
in less time and adjust work at a distance.

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Facilitating the implementation of IDPs in a new place

Since February 24, 2022, about 7 million Ukrainians have become forced migrants. Immigrants can give a new impetus to the development of the cities and villages where they find themselves: open a business, conduct training, lead a public movement. We strive to include immigrants in the life of the host communities, and to teach local residents to be responsible for their new neighbors.

We focus on developing a culture of responsibility and active interaction
in society through work with youth
and the public sector


Our partners






українська академія лідерства



  • Where do I start if I want to become a volunteer?

    If you want to become a volunteer in one of our projects, you need to fill out an online form in which you enter your contact details and information about why and which project you want to join, you also need to write a short general information about yourself.

  • What happens after I leave my contacts?

    Our representative will contact you as soon as possible to tell you more about the organization, projects, and also to learn a little information about you. We will inform you about current projects and help you choose the most suitable field of activity for you, based on your skills, interests and needs.
    For more convenient communication, a short zoom call can be assigned. It will be a friendly conversation without formal and boring questions.